Yet another episode of school shooting has recently hit the American news.
Let us take a look at how representative it is of the gun issue in the United States.
After a 25-year-old psychotic man has gone on a shooting rampage which claimed three lives on a university campus a few days before, Congressmen and women discuss a way to limit these kinds of killing. The killer owned three machine guns that he had bought at a gun show and online.
You are a pro gun control Representative or a pro gun Senator. Discuss
3 killed, 8 injured in shooting at Oxford High School in suburban Detroit
Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect are held on $500,000 bond after manhunt, NPR
Bond set at $500,000 each for Michigan school shooting suspect’s parents after capture, L.A.Times
Michigan school shooting: Suspect's parents deny involuntary manslaughter, BBC news
The Second Amendment
Government in the USA
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Giving a speech: an example
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