
Final task

Final Task : Present a document to illustrate our timelines and convince

your jury that yours is the better one!


1°) You may present a book, an author, a film, a photograph, a painting, a document of law from the English-speaking world. Describe it as precisely as you can. Tell the jury why your document is relevant.

2°) You will have to use the appropriate vocabulary and method learnt in class.

3° ) Come prepared with flashcards and a nice printed reproduction of your document. ( No written paragraphs will be allowed)

4°) This project will be assessed  on week 38

Lesson 2

Presenting a document

How to describe a visual document.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 1'021.6 KB

Locating elements on a picture

Locating 2.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 272.5 KB

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Lesson 5